Results for 'Peter C. Stine'

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  1.  9
    Hands-On Science Education in Rural Pennsylvania.Peter C. Stine - 1997 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 17 (1):13-15.
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    Evolution 2.0. The Unexpected Learning Experience of Making a Digital Archive.Casper Andersen, Jakob Bek-Thomsen, Mathias Clasen, Stine Slot Grumsen, Hans Henrik Hjermitslev & Peter C. Kjærgaard - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (3):657-675.
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  3. (1 other version)Skepticism, relevant alternatives, and deductive closure.G. C. Stine - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (4):249--261.
  4. New Horizons in Psychology.Peter C. Wason - 1966 - Penguin Books.
  5. Reasoning.Peter C. Wason - 1966 - In New Horizons in Psychology. Penguin Books. pp. 135-151.
  6.  5
    The Computer in College: For Learning or Leisure?Peter Stine - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (6):426-431.
    A survey on computer use was conducted on 152 college students majoring in elementary education. The students used computers an average of 11.8 hours per week. The uses included academic uses such as writing papers and conducting research over the Internet, as well as leisure uses such as chatting, playing games, and cruising the Web. A strong correlation is seen between the number of hours a student spends on the computer for academics and the number of hours spent on the (...)
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  7.  58
    Meaning other than what we say and referring.G. C. Stine - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 33 (4):319 - 337.
  8. Conceptualizing Religion and Spirituality: Points of Commonality, Points of Departure.Peter C. Hill, Kenneth Ii Pargament, Ralph W. Hood, Michael E. McCullough, Jr, James P. Swyers, David B. Larson & Brian J. Zinnbauer - 2000 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 30 (1):51-77.
    Psychologists' emerging interest in spirituality and religion as well as the relevance of each phenomenon to issues of psychological importance requires an understanding of the fundamental characteristics of each construct. On the basis of both historical considerations and a limited but growing empirical literature, we caution against viewing spirituality and religiousness as incompatible and suggest that the common tendency to polarize the terms simply as individual vs. institutional or ′good′ vs. ′bad′ is not fruitful for future research. Also cautioning against (...)
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  9.  49
    The Axioms of Subjective Probability.Peter C. Fishburn - 1986 - Statistical Science 1 (3):335-358.
  10.  48
    Pronouns, Names, and the Centering of Attention in Discourse.Peter C. Gordon, Barbara J. Grosz & Laura A. Gilliom - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (3):311-347.
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  11.  38
    Fair play: ethics in sport and education.Peter C. McIntosh - 1979 - London: Heinemann.
  12.  13
    Origins of behavior in Pavlovian conditioning.Peter C. Holland - 1984 - In Gordon H. Bower, The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. Academic Press. pp. 18--129.
  13. Nontransitive measurable utility.Peter C. Fishburn - 1982 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 26:31–67.
  14.  48
    Intuitive knowledge of linguistic co-reference.Peter C. Gordon & Randall Hendrick - 1997 - Cognition 62 (3):325-370.
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  15.  74
    Where is the wisdom? I – A conceptual history of evidence‐based medicine.Peter C. Wyer & Suzana A. Silva - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):891-898.
  16.  27
    Cleanness, Peter Comestor, and the Revelationes Sancti Methodii.Peter C. Braeger - 1985 - Mediaevalia 11:203-217.
  17.  35
    Measuring the Spiritual, Character, and Moral Formation of Seminarians: In Search of a Meta-Theory of Spiritual Change.Peter C. Hill, David C. Wang, Steven J. Sandage & Steven L. Porter - 2019 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 12 (1):5-24.
    Theological schools are well situated to create intentional cultures for the purpose of spiritual formation. Indeed, most schools of theology have this goal as an essential part of their mission as well as a requirement for continued accreditation. And yet, the measurement of spiritual formation over time is fraught with challenges. This article seeks to address some of these challenges by means of developing a meta-theory of positive change/growth which would eventually serve as a theoretical basis for the development of (...)
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  18.  33
    Truth Diagrams Versus Extant Notations for Propositional Logic.Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):121-161.
    Truth diagrams are introduced as a novel graphical representation for propositional logic. To demonstrate their epistemic efficacy a set of 28 concepts are proposed that any comprehensive representation for PL should encompass. TDs address all the criteria whereas seven other existing representations for PL only provide partial coverage. These existing representations are: the linear formula notation, truth tables, a PL specific interpretation of Venn Diagrams, Frege’s conceptual notation, diagrams from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Pierce’s alpha graphs and Gardner’s shuttle diagrams. The comparison (...)
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  19.  55
    Essentialism, possible worlds, and propositional attitudes.Gail C. Stine - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):471-482.
  20.  18
    Toward the World and Wisdom of Wittgenstein's `Tractatus.'.Gail C. Stine - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (4):570.
  21.  32
    Analysis and metaphysics: Essays in honor of R.m. Chisholm.Gail C. Stine - 1978 - Philosophia 7 (3-4):667-674.
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  22. Bible Translation and the Spread of the Church: The Last 200 Years.Philip C. Stine - 1990
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  23. Denotation and Existence.G. C. Stine - 1978 - International Logic Review 9:134-41.
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  24.  41
    Intentional inexistence.G. C. Stine - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (4):491 - 510.
  25.  51
    Quantified logic for knowledge statements.Gail C. Stine - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (5):127-140.
  26.  59
    Unique ethical concerns in clinical trials comparing psychosocial and psychopharmalogical interventions.Lisa R. Stines & Norah C. Feeny - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (2-3):234 – 246.
    In recent years, there has been a particular emphasis placed on conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compare the relative efficacy of psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. This article addresses relevant ethical considerations in the conduct of these treatment trials, with a focus on RCTs with children. Ethical concerns, including therapeutic misconception, treatment preference, therapeutic equipoise, structure of treatments, and balancing risks versus benefits, are introduced through a clinical scenario and discussed as they relate to psychotherapy versus medication RCTs. In each (...)
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  27.  62
    Electrifying diagrams for learning: principles for complex representational systems.Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (6):685-736.
    Six characteristics of effective representational systems for conceptual learning in complex domains have been identified. Such representations should: (1) integrate levels of abstraction; (2) combine globally homogeneous with locally heterogeneous representation of concepts; (3) integrate alternative perspectives of the domain; (4) support malleable manipulation of expressions; (5) possess compact procedures; and (6) have uniform procedures. The characteristics were discovered by analysing and evaluating a novel diagrammatic representation that has been invented to support students' comprehension of electricity—AVOW diagrams (Amps, Volts, Ohms, (...)
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  28. On Harsanyi's utilitarian cardinal welfare theorem.Peter C. Fishburn - 1984 - Theory and Decision 17 (1):21-28.
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    Deception and Mutual Trust.Peter C. Cramton - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (4):823-832.
    Alan Strudler has written a stimulating and provocative article about deception in negotiation. He presents his views, in part, in contrast with our earlier work on the Mutual Trust Perspective. We believe that Strudler is wrong in his account of the ethics of deception in negotiation and in his quick dismissal of the Mutual Trust Perspective. Though his mistakes may be informative, his views are potentially harmful to business practice. In this paper, we present arguments against Strudler’s position and attempt (...)
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  30. Probably Good Diagrams for Learning: Representational Epistemic Recodification of Probability Theory.Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (3):475-498.
    The representational epistemic approach to the design of visual displays and notation systems advocates encoding the fundamental conceptual structure of a knowledge domain directly in the structure of a representational system. It is claimed that representations so designed will benefit from greater semantic transparency, which enhances comprehension and ease of learning, and plastic generativity, which makes the meaningful manipulation of the representation easier and less error prone. Epistemic principles for encoding fundamental conceptual structures directly in representational schemes are described. The (...)
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    Inferring the intentional states of autonomous virtual agents.Peter C. Pantelis, Chris L. Baker, Steven A. Cholewiak, Kevin Sanik, Ari Weinstein, Chia-Chien Wu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Jacob Feldman - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):360-379.
  32.  40
    The Representation and Processing of Coreference in Discourse.Peter C. Gordon & Randall Hendrick - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (4):389-424.
    A model is presented that addresses both the distribution and comprehension of different forms of referring expressions in language. This model is expressed in a formalism (Kamp & Reyle, 1993) that uses interpretive rules to map syntactic representations onto representations of discourse. Basic interpretive rules are developed for names, pronouns, definite descriptions, and quantified descriptions. These rules are triggered by syntactic input and interact dynamically with representations of discourse to establish reference and coreference. This interaction determines the ease with which (...)
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  33.  32
    Event representation in Pavlovian conditioning: Image and action.Peter C. Holland - 1990 - Cognition 37 (1-2):105-131.
  34.  94
    Hertz and Wittgenstein's philosophy of science.Peter C. Kjaergaard - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (1):121-149.
    The German physicist Heinrich Hertz played a decisive role for Wittgenstein's use of a unique philosophical method. Wittgenstein applied this method successfully to critical problems in logic and mathematics throughout his life. Logical paradoxes and foundational problems including those of mathematics were seen as pseudo-problems requiring clarity instead of solution. In effect, Wittgenstein's controversial response to David Hilbert and Kurt Gödel was deeply influenced by Hertz and can only be fully understood when seen in this context. To comprehend the arguments (...)
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    Mood Responses Associated With COVID-19 Restrictions.Peter C. Terry, Renée L. Parsons-Smith & Victoria R. Terry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Even-chance lotteries in social choice theory.Peter C. Fishburn - 1972 - Theory and Decision 3 (1):18-40.
  37.  17
    Success in Spite of Failure: Why IRBs Falter in Reviewing Risks and Benefits.Peter C. Williams - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (3):1.
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  38.  29
    Why We Should Care About Evolution and Natural History.Peter C. Kjaergaard - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):684-697.
    Historians play it safe. Complex issues are dissected while analytical distance keeps stakeholders at bay. But the relevance of historical research may be lost in caution and failure to engage with a wider audience. We can't afford that. We have too much to offer and too much at stake. We need to take the discussion of science and religion beyond our own professional circles. Peter Harrison's The Territories of Science and Religion gives us an opportunity to do so. We (...)
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  39.  55
    Plans for Completing the English Study Edition of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.Peter C. Hodgson - 1980 - The Owl of Minerva 11 (4):6-7.
    In response to the proposal by Walter Jaeschke contained in the preceding paper, the Nineteenth Century Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion discussed plans, at the annual meeting of the Academy on 15–17 November 1979, to complete a new English study edition of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, and has agreed to sponsor its publication by Scholars Press in the AAR Texts & Translations Series. An Editorial Committee has been formed with the following membership: Robert F. (...)
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    Pascal's Wager: The second argument.Peter C. Dalton - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):31-46.
  41.  16
    A functional theory of the McCollough effect.Peter C. Dodwell & G. Keith Humphrey - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):78-89.
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  42.  76
    A theory of subjective expected utility with vague preferences.Peter C. Fishburn - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (3):287-310.
  43.  28
    Wittgenstein's "Wonderful Life".Peter C. John - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (3):495.
  44.  25
    Competing Allies: Professionalisation and the Hierarchy of Science in Victorian Britain.Peter C. Kjaergaard - 2002 - Centaurus 44 (3-4):248-288.
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    Beyond the art of governmentality: unmasking the distributional consequences of health policies.Peter C. Coyte & Dave Holmes - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (2):154-160.
    The aim of this article is to critique health policy discourses that are taken for granted. This perspective will allow for the identification of ‘exclusionary’ health policies, which we define as policies that are thought to offer universal benefit, despite yielding adverse effects for significant groups of people in society. As such, policies that are said to be designed ‘for all’ frequently benefit only a subset of the population. Our intent is to highlight the distributional consequences of certain health policies (...)
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    What forms the chunks in a subject's performance? Lessons from the CHREST computational model of learning.Peter C. R. Lane, Fernand Gobet & Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):128-129.
    Computational models of learning provide an alternative technique for identifying the number and type of chunks used by a subject in a specific task. Results from applying CHREST to chess expertise support the theoretical framework of Cowan and a limit in visual short-term memory capacity of 3–4 looms. An application to learning from diagrams illustrates different identifiable forms of chunk.
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  47. Understanding and the limits of formal thinking.Peter C. Wason - 1981 - In Herman Parret & Jacques Bouveresse, Meaning and understanding. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 411--22.
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    Sport in society.Peter C. McIntosh - 1963 - London,: C. A. Watts.
  49.  20
    Perspectives on character formation from three religious worldviews: The case of humility and intellectual humility.Peter C. Hill - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (3):194-203.
    This article advocates for the inclusion of theistic beliefs in the study of humility and intellectual humility and recommends the construct of worldview as a promising resource for this endeavor. The promise of this approach is tested by exploring the contrasting worldviews of three religious traditions: Buddhism, Christianity, and atheism. In so doing, the ontological and anthropological turn of these worldviews will be contrasted with implications for research on humility drawn.
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  50.  14
    The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity.Peter C. Phan (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    How do Christians reconcile their belief in one God with the concept of three divine 'persons'? This Companion provides an overview of how the Christian doctrine of the Trinity has been understood and articulated in the last two thousand years. The Trinitarian theologies of key theologians, from the New Testament to the twentieth century, are carefully examined and the doctrine of the Trinity is brought into dialogue with non-Christian religions as well as with other Christian beliefs. Authors from a range (...)
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